Below you can see a regular update of retail market in the Czech Republic for the second half of 2024.
Summary of current data:
- At the end of H2 2024, the total lettable
retail area exceeded 4.02 million sq m.
- In H2 2024, 26,800 sq m of
retail space was completed in projects with a sales area of more than five thousand
sq m and a further 46,000 sq m in projects with a smaller area. In total 115,500 sq m of
retail space was under construction and refurbishment.
- In H2 2024, prime
shopping centre rents in Prague remained stable at the level of €140 per
sq m
per month as did high street prime rents which remained at €200 - 220 per
sq m per month.
- In 2024, retail properties accounted for the largest share (35%) of the
total annual investment volume, mainly thanks to two transactions, namely
Arkády Pankrác and Centrum Černý Most.
I hope you find the information in this report useful.
We like questions, if you’ve got one about our research, or would like some property advice, we would love to hear from you.
Lenka Šindelářová
Head of Research and Consultancy
+420 602 773 592
Pavla Kubíková
Senior Researcher
+420 720 028 221